Slack Alerter

Sending automated alerts to a Slack channel.

The SlackAlerter enables you to send messages or ask questions within a dedicated Slack channel directly from within your ZenML pipelines and steps.

How to Create

Set up a Slack app

In order to use the SlackAlerter, you first need to have a Slack workspace set up with a channel that you want your pipelines to post to.

Then, you need to create a Slack App with a bot in your workspace. Make sure to give it the following permissions in the OAuth & Permissions tab under Scopes:

  • chat:write,

  • channels:read

  • channels:history

Slack OAuth Permissions

In order to be able to use the ask() functionality, you need to invite the app to your channel. You can either use the /invite command directly in the desired channel or add it through the channel settings:

Slack OAuth Permissions

Registering a Slack Alerter in ZenML

To create a SlackAlerter, you first need to install ZenML's slack integration:

zenml integration install slack -y

Once the integration is installed, you can use the ZenML CLI to create a secret and register an alerter linked to the app you just created:

zenml secret create slack_token --oauth_token=<SLACK_TOKEN>
zenml alerter register slack_alerter \
    --flavor=slack \
    --slack_token={{slack_token.oauth_token}} \

Here is where you can find the required parameters:

  • <SLACK_CHANNEL_ID>: The channel ID can be found in the channel details. It starts with C.....

  • <SLACK_TOKEN>: This is the Slack token of your bot. You can find it in the Slack app settings under OAuth & Permissions.

Slack Token Image

After you have registered the slack_alerter, you can add it to your stack like this:

zenml stack register ... -al slack_alerter --set

How to Use

In ZenML, you can use alerters in various ways.

Use the post() and ask() directly

You can use the client to fetch the active alerter within your stack and use the post and ask methods directly:

from zenml import pipeline, step
from zenml.client import Client

def post_statement() -> None:
    Client()"Step finished!")

def ask_question() -> bool:
    return Client().active_stack.alerter.ask("Should I continue?")

def my_pipeline():
    # Step using

    # Step using alerter.ask

if __name__ == "__main__":

Use it with custom settings

The Slack alerter comes equipped with a set of options that you can set during runtime:

from zenml import pipeline, step
from zenml.client import Client

# E.g, You can use a different channel ID through the settings. However, if you 
# want to use the `ask` functionality, make sure that you app is invited to 
# this channel first.
@step(settings={"alerter": {"slack_channel_id": <SLACK_CHANNEL_ID>}})
def post_statement() -> None:
    alerter = Client().active_stack.alerter"Posting to another channel!")

def my_pipeline():
    # Using

if __name__ == "__main__":

Use it with SlackAlerterParameters and SlackAlerterPayload

You can use these additional classes to further edit your messages:

from zenml import pipeline, step, get_step_context
from zenml.client import Client
from zenml.integrations.slack.alerters.slack_alerter import (
    SlackAlerterParameters, SlackAlerterPayload

# Displaying pipeline info
def post_statement() -> None:
    params = SlackAlerterParameters(


        message="This is a message with additional information about your pipeline.",

# Formatting with blocks
def ask_question() -> bool:
    message = ":tada: Should I continue? (Y/N)"
    my_custom_block = [
            "type": "header",
            "text": {
                "type": "plain_text",
                "text": message,
                "emoji": True
    params = SlackAlerterParameters(

    return Client().active_stack.alerter.ask(question=message, params=params)

def my_pipeline():

if __name__ == "__main__":

Use the predefined steps

If you want to only use it in a simple manner, you can also use the stepsslack_alerter_post_step and slack_alerter_ask_step, that are built-in to the Slack integration of ZenML:

from zenml import pipeline
from zenml.integrations.slack.steps.slack_alerter_post_step import (
from zenml.integrations.slack.steps.slack_alerter_ask_step import (

def my_pipeline():
    slack_alerter_post_step("Posting a statement.")
    slack_alerter_ask_step("Asking a question. Should I continue?")

if __name__ == "__main__":

For more information and a full list of configurable attributes of the Slack alerter, check out the SDK Docs .

ZenML Scarf

Last updated